Outcomes - Selected Case Summaries



No personal data held by local law firm

Informal Resolution | 18 August 2023

A complainant alleged that a local law firm was collecting photos of him, his family, friends and guests on a private property and public beach and did not answer questions about how or why the information was being held or used. The local law firm, which appeared to be acting as a data controller, responded by asking the complainant to direct all future correspondence through the complainant's attorney. The complainant followed up, but received no response. This appeared to render the data controller non-compliant with the statutory timeframe of thirty (30) days allowed for a subject access request.  

Our investigation confirmed that no personal data was being held. Nonetheless, even if no data is being held, the complainant should have been informed of this fact. After some further delays, the data controller responded to the complainant and provided evidence of the communication to us, and the matter was closed.